DVD Review – Clannad: Series 1 Part 1

Release Date: May 28th 2012

When it comes to indulging in anime set in schools, I will admit from the outset that my experience is limited. From those that focus on the development and continuation of a Kendo Club (Bamboo Blade) and to the trials & tribulations surrounding a light music club (K-On!!). Even high schoolers fighting for their very survival while only being able to trust a certain few individuals and at the same time having their ideals being questioned on many an occasion in the process (High School Of The Dead). My experience with them is very sparse, yet quite diverse at the same time. On each occasion I have enjoyed myself tenfold. Be it because of the over the top personalities, the unique situations facing the characters, even just the charm that comes with what was presented in front of me. However I can safely say I have enjoyed them. When the opportunity to experience a new series of similar ilk (at a casual first glance anyway) with Clannad presented itself, I jumped at the chance. Whenever the name Clannad has been mentioned in conversations I’ve been apart of it had always sparked a new lease of life into a conversation. Almost like a sugar rush of enthusiasm was suddenly brought to the forefront. Now I had the opportunity to see why this enthusiasm was generated, and I would ultimately share that same enthusiasm, with the Manga Entertainment release of Series 1 Part 1 on DVD.
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